Be Prepared For Hurricane Season

If it has seemed like hurricane season is getting more intense each year, it’s because it is. According to a scientific study that looked at the last four decades of hurricane activity, the maximum sustained winds of hurricanes from all over the world are getting stronger. That means that this hurricane season has the potential to be more destructive than last year. Now is the time to think about what you need to do to be prepared for hurricane season.
What to Do Now
If you know a hurricane is coming, then the safest thing you can do is leave and head to a safer place more inland. If this is not an option, then there are a few things you can do to make it safer to ride out the storm. A few days before the storm arrives ensure that you have plenty of canned foods, water, cell phone chargers, first aid supplies, and medications. There is often a run on these supplies so plan ahead. Buying items now isn’t a bad idea versus waiting until a day or two before a hurricane.
Have a plan ready to talk to other family members or close friends in case you lose power and need to let them know where you are. Always make sure someone knows that you are staying in your home. Walk around your home and close all storm shutters. Then turn down the temperature in your freezer and fridge to its lowest setting. If you lose power this will help your food last longer.

Once the Hurricane Arrives
At this point, to be prepared for hurricane season you need to hunker down. Unless extreme flooding occurs you need to stay inside. Six inches of water is all it takes to knock you over, and it happens more than you think. Stay away from windows in case the storm shatters them. Do not leave your home until the hurricane has completely left the area.
Now That the Hurricane is Over
There is no great way to be prepared for hurricane season because the aftermath is unpredictable. Always listen for official updates before leaving your home. Call your family to let them know you are okay. Stay inside if you can because downed power lines can create unseen hazards.
Walk around your home and take photos of all damage. You will need these photos to submit insurance claims. If your roof is damaged, place a tarp over it. Take out any debris that may have fallen into your home. Also, you need to start dealing with water damage if there was any flooding. Walk around your home and cover any broken windows until you can fix them.
Even if you had a plan to be prepared for hurricane season your home can still be seriously damaged. Depending on the amount of damage, it may be smarter to sell your home over repairing it. NeedToSellMyHouseFast will buy your home as-is regardless of how damaged it is. If you need a way to get out from under extreme hurricane damage give us a call today to see what your house is worth.